When to fle taxes married fling separately

When to fle taxes married fling separately

There are many reasons why a taxpayer may want to file taxes as married filing separately. First of all, you have to be married to file your tax return using the married filing separately tax filing status. Bear in mind also that the married filing separately tax filing status is the worst tax filing status for getting tax refunds, tax credits, or tax deductions.

When not to file taxes married filing jointly?

If you are married and you can file married filing jointly with your spouse, you will get much better tax benefits such as higher standard deductions and plenty of tax credits that are not available to any taxpayers filing married filing separately. So, if you can file married filing jointly then it is better, tax wise, to do so.

When might someone file taxes as married filing separately?

For example, if you don’t want to be liable for the taxes that your spouse has incurred, you may opt to file married filing separately. If you file married filing jointly then you are both liable for whatever income taxes are assessed on your situation. Some people file married filing separately because either spouse has not filed his or her income taxes for the past years and the good spouse did not want to get into a mess with the IRS.

If your spouse has a tax problem which you don’t want to get involved or is not your problem, then you may want to just file married filing separately.

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