When can I start fling my 2007 income tax retum

When can I start filing my 2007 income tax return?

You can start filing your 2007 income tax return from January 11, 2008. January 11, 2008 is the first day the IRS starts accepting tax returns.

If you file your tax return electronically, your tax return won’t be accepted by the IRS until that date.

However, you can always go into any tax preparation company and have your tax return prepared before that date and your tax return will be sent to the IRS as soon as the IRS starts accepting tax returns

Most of the time, people won’t start filing their tax returns until after the date which the IRS starts accepting tax returns because they wouldn’t have their W-2 or other tax documents yet. W-2 forms are not required to be sent out until January 31. However, nowadays most employers offer W-2 online and taxpayers can just go online and print them out.

Around January 12, early taxpayers who expect tax refunds from the IRS start to file their tax returns, but not many.

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